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Book Idea, Chapter One

I've always wanted to write a book

Lisa was an ordinary girl. Not particularily social. Not particularily beautiful. And not particularily thin. She's always had problems or situations in her life, but now.. as she is about to get married, none of those problems seemed like they were ever worth a second thought. Lets go back to the beginning.

Lisa was born and raised in Salinas. It's where her whole family lived.. Well, her mom's side of the family. That's the only family she had. Her dad had not been in her life since she was about 5. Because Lisa's mom got pregnant with her and her twin at a young age, Lisa's mom's family was always there. Lisa had 2 grandparents, 4 aunts, and 1 uncle. Lisa and her twin were the first grandchildren of the family so they were loved and spoiled a lot and that's why they mean so much to Lisa. She was raised on family. They were the only thing she needed in life. 2 years later, 2 of Lisa's aunts had a baby. A boy in June and a girl in October. Those were Lisa's first cousins. 3 years later, the aunt who had the baby girl had a son. These 5 grandchildren would grow up to be like brothers and sisters and would grow up to be way older than all the other grandchildren.

In 2003, Lisa's mom was about ready to pop out a baby brother with Lisa's step dad who had been in her life since she was about 5 or 6. Lisa was 8 and very excited. She would now have a brother and sister. About a month before the baby was due, the baby passed away. The umbilibal cord had wrapped around his neck. Lisa remembers the funeral somewhat. The funeral was at the Garden of Memories Cemetery. She remembers that there were a lot of sad people and she remebers her oldest boy cousin crying and giving her a hug. He was only 7. Lisa wasn't even crying. How could her 7 year old cousin feel something that she wasn't even feeling. Lisa did feel sad that she would never get to meet her brother, but she didn't feel enough of a connection to cry. Her mom was crying, but that's understandable. 14 1/2 months later, Lisa's little sister was born. Maybe this happened because Lisa's mom and step dad were really sad. Lisa remembers her mom saying (but she doesn't remeber when) that maybe God didn't give them a boy because they would treat this new baby like the one they had lost. Lisa and her family lived in their nice little trailer for about 6 or so months. She and her sister when to Oscar Loya Elementary School for half of their 4th grade year. Lisa really liked her teacher Mrs. Pettit, but she was really excited to move to Tracy. Lisa did love her school and was bummed out that she wouldn't make it to the 5th grade there. The 5th graders were the oldest in the school. Tracy was 2 hours away. Lisa would miss her family. She didn't really have friends to worry about though. Lisa was quiet compared to her sister. Lisa's sister was actually friends with the popular kids in their grade. Lisa kind of just shadowed her sister. She just wasn't really social. There was even this boy who would bug her. He punched her in the chest one time. But Julian was just imature. He was also bugging some other little girl. Lisa remembers how since she didn't really hang out with friends, she would become friends with the new girls. Berenice was first, but she wasn't to enthusiastic. Another girl came a few weeks later, Lisa doesn't remember her name, but she does remember that she was hanging out with her one day and her sister came and started talking to this new girl. Lisa got jealous because this was her friend. It was harder for her to make friends so she didn't like that her sister was talking to her new friend. Lisa actually thought that her sister would take away the new friend she had. Lisa remebers plenty of more things about elementary, but lets move on to the next chapter in her life; moving to Tracy. Lisa was nervous about moving to Tracy, but she wanted to try being somewhere new. Lisa's family lived in an apartment and there was a pool. She was nervous about starting school in monticello, but two of her step cousins went there. Their dad was brothers with Lisa's step dad. Her first day of 4th grade, her teacher Ms. Eagleston introduced her to Bhavya (bay-aw-vee-uh). Lisa would hang out with her sometimes. Lisa doesn't remember much about Monticello and doesn't have many memories about Tracy, but she remembers that there were 2 more sets of twins in her grade. She remembers that for her class warmups she had to do fractions and she had no idea how to do them, but she was too shy to ask for help. She remembers thinking that if she ever got lost, she would tell the police that she lives in the apartments by Shermin Williams Paints. She did start 5th grade in Tracy, but only went for like 2 weeks. She had Ms. Gleason for a teacher. Lisa remembers that she was sitting the cafeteria one time. She doesn't remember sitting next to anyone so she must of been sitting alone. A few older girls came up to her and made small talk and then asked her for her snack packet that came with her lunch. Lisa had already opened it and tried one of the things, but she didn't like it. She said that they can have it, but she already opened it. The girls didn;t want it. In September, the house Lisa's step dad had bought was finally ready. Lisa was so excited that it actually had stairs, but she would later hate them. The time came for Lisa's first day at West Side Elementary School. Lisa's teacher was Ms. Fogel and Lisa really liked her. Lisa still remembers a lot of the students who were in her 5th grade class. She doesn't even talk to any of them anymore, except for a few. It was time for break and Lisa and her sister stuck together. A girl named Laura came up to them. Lisa is still friends with her till this day. Lisa hung out with Laura in 5th grade. Laura introduced her to Rosario and later they all hung out with Mikayla, but she was weird. She would talk to the poles and say they were her friends. Lisa and her sister met this 6th grader named Silka. She doesn't remember how they met, but she thinks it has something to do with Ms. Fogel. Lisa always remembered her and ran into her years later.

In 6th grade, Lisa got her first guy teacher, Mr. Cullen. She didn't want a guy teacher because she thought girl teachers were nicer. Mr. Cullen was a cool teacher though and a little crazy. One of Lisa's classmates, Paul, stapled his hand and didn't want to get the staple out

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