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My Thoughts on 50 Shades of Grey

So finally read the book 50 Shades of Grey a few months ago. Considering that this book was popular my senior year of high school ,2012/2013, you could say I was a little late in reading this book.

I was never really sure what 50 Shades of Grey was about, but then my mom bought the book and she filled me in. She told me that there was this guy, Christian Grey, who liked to tie up this girl, Anastasia Steele, and do other things when they were intimate because someone did that to Christian when he was a teenager. When I heard this, I thought, "Woah this book sounds interesting," so I contemplated reading this book, but I decided against it because... I mean Hello?! My MOM read it. This is basically a sex novel so knowing that she read it was just awkward. Although I was against it at first, I obviously read the book so we'll just get on to what I thought about it.

First of all, 50 Shades of Grey was not how I expected it to be. Yeah, the whole tying you up and whipping you thing was there like I expected, but not as much through out the novel as I expected. For those of you who have read the novel, you know that the whole BDSM relationship wasn't really Ana's thing. There was also a love story angle which should have been expected, but honestly, I didn't expect 50 shades to head in the direction that he did. His issues seemed to major to fix. Because of this, this novel wasn't so realistic. Don't get me wrong. I'm a sucker for any novel that has any love story going on, but because this book was a little sexual, I thought it would be more realistic. Hey, there could be a Christian Grey out there, but the love story in this novel was a little too far-fetched for me. But let me just say that Christian Grey's personality and the way he took control of everything was undeniably hot. Don't argue with me! This isn't up for disccusion. I would love to hear your thoughts on the novel though.

This was the first time that I have read something like this and although it sounds like I'm bagging on it, I actually did enjoy it. I just really thought it would be a little more darker and practical, but that doesn't mean I'm any less excited for the movie.. Even though the movie will be toned down. Bummer!

But anyways,

Have a wonderful day,

Leymerolis 💋

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